Behold, Beauty!

Have you ever looked at something so beautiful, that it takes your breath away? Reflect for a moment, on something that you beheld, that left you speechless and in awe because it was so beautiful. This happened to me today (among many other days)! I was looking at my astoundingly gorgeous, fluffy white cat, and I was speechless for a moment. Her beauty.

God made her.

In my heart, I know that an intelligent, beautiful Being created her. How could she just exist in all her exquisite beauty, without a designer?

She left me in complete awe and wonder, and looking at her made me think of Jesus even more. The Bible says that He created all things.

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.”

1 Corinthians 1:16

Jesus made my beautiful cat. She has a glorious Creator, who intricately made every detail about her. How could anyone look at something so beautiful, and think that there is no Creator? It’s an impossibility. Just like we can’t look at a beautiful work of art, and think it just exists without a hand of intelligent design behind it.

In my mind, I just don’t understand this belief within those who do not believe in God. It’s so obvious and logical to know that paintings, great architecture, sculptures and other things were so obviously created – but when it comes to things even more complex, glorious, beautiful, intricate, breathtaking and intricate, we conclude that it just exists with absolutely no God who created these things. This is not correct.

The truth is, is that there is a God. He made all things, and He requires something from you. You exist for His purpose and not your own. So why not seek and search what this beautiful glorious Creator requires from you?

Trust me, His requirement is not burdensome. It’s freeing. It’s life-giving. It’s refreshing.

It’s necessary for life.

“But, I’m already alive!” you say. “Why do I need God when I’m already alive?”

Friend, you need God because He’s the one who gave you life, and in fact, you are currently not living.

What?!?” you exclaim. “Yes I am! I am breathing, aren’t I?”

Sure, you’re breathing, but do you have true life within yourself?

If you haven’t put your faith and trust in Christ and had your sins forgiven of you, then the answer is no. You do not have life within yourself. And your life is ticking away, second by second, moment by moment, day by day, year by year, until you breathe your last breath.

“That’s okay, I won’t exist any longer. No more pain and heartache and I can finally Rest In Peace”, you say.

Contrary, for those who haven’t believed in the Lord Jesus, they will not Rest In Peace once they die. They will experience eternal separation from God, and their life on earth will feel like heaven in comparison to eternity in hell. This is because for these lost souls, they denied God and His offer for salvation and they died without being forgiven and covered with the perfect blood of Christ.

So, what does He require of you?

Like I have said, His requirement brings life, peace, refreshment to your soul.

All you have to do is come to Christ. Truly, wholeheartedly, and fully come to Christ. This means that you accept that you need your God who made you. You recognize He is perfect, and you are a sinner who needs forgiveness. You let go of all of your conditions and doubts and rebellion and independence and you turn to Jesus in faith.

This is the gift that He offers, and all He requires of you is that you accept His gift. That’s it. He does the rest.

Just like my beautiful cat is pure white, Jesus will make you white as snow. You will be purified by the Holy Spirit and your new destiny will be toward Heaven.

This means that you need not worry death any longer. Because you have eternal life inside of you that is permanent. This means that all you have to look forward to is pure perfection, pleasure, and beauty of God’s presence in Heaven instead of the evils of hell.

You are here for a reason. You exist for a reason.

And it’s to turn to your God and be saved by Him.

In this, God is glorified.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 6:23

14 thoughts on “Behold, Beauty!

  1. The argument from beauty fails as soon as anyone can point to how this god evidently lets horrible things happen for its “plan”. Like birth defects in kittens.

    “In my heart, I know that an intelligent, beautiful Being created her.”

    most, if not every, theist, claims this for their particular god. Not a scrap of evidence for this.

    Your kitty is indeed beautiful. I have 8 cats of my own, tabbies, one solid black fellow, a grey and white and a couple of white and tabby. No evidence your god did anything at all, much less create cats.

    “How could anyone look at something so beautiful, and think that there is no Creator? It’s an impossibility”

    Not impossible at all. Here I am.

    “The truth is, is that there is a God. He made all things, and He requires something from you. You exist for His purpose and not your own. So why not seek and search what this beautiful glorious Creator requires from you?”

    Nope, not necessary at all. And funny how Christians can’t agree on what this god wants, what morals it approves of, which parts of the bible to claim as literal, what a sin is, what heaven and hell are, etc.

    All you have are attempts to scare people into believing. I’m quite happy not to need to pretend someone had to be tortured to death to “forgive” me.


    1. Hi Vel! 🙂 Long time no chat! Hope you are well and healthy. What I would say is looking toward people is going to leave you dissatisfied as far as Christianity goes, because people are, well, imperfect (including me!) we make tons of mistakes, but that has nothing to do with God. People are people, even Christians. Nobody is perfect, only Jesus!

      Awe, sounds like you have a big cat family! Thanks for the comment on my kitty’s beauty…her personality is just as beautiful, she’s a very sweet, calm, constantly purring gentle little girl. She’s about 90% fluff (she’s Persian)! My significant other and I LOVE animals and so far we only have her, but we intend to have a whole house full of cats, dogs, birds, and anything else. It’s so addictive, impossible for us to stop at 1! haha. He also LOVES tabbies as he had one growing up and still talks about him! I’m sure your kitty’s are adorable, I’d love to see a picture! Have a beautiful day 🙂 🙂 glad you are here!


      1. hello there. I’m doing well, thank you. You, like many Christians, claim that I can’t look at Christians to know your god. Alas, this only shows your god impotent, if that is the case, unable to make itself clear. And all of this with each Christian claiming that they and they alone have the one and only truth. No evidence jesus exists, much less is perfect. And this has little to do with my rebuttal of your false claims about how beauty is evidence of your god.

        It’s been a long time since I’ve had a longhair kitty. My cat family came from first bringing two visiting ferals in (the black and the grey and white) and then befriending a white and tabby feral. I didn’t befriend her quick *enough* and she presented me with 5 kittens.

        You can see some of my cats on my blog.


      2. I understand where you are coming from…I had really bad experiences in the past (before I was a christian) from people in the church, and I spent a lot of time hating Christians and not believing in God because of these people. But, it wasn’t until I realized that many of them to be honest, are just church-goers and aren’t true Christians. And I just wanted to know God, if He was real. Which I found out He is. But I understand where you are coming from if you had bad experiences in Church. I was there at one point so I get it.

        Thanks for the pictures! Awe, such beauties! I LOVE Tezcatlipoca, that black kitty. I had black cats all throughout my childhood, they are so gorgeous with their shiny coats. They look like mini panthers! Phew, longhair cats definitely require work. Gotta spend time brushing her on the daily, but it’s pretty therapeutic and nice bonding time with her. She loves her neck area brushed! I don’t blame her, I would love it too! 🥰


      3. You don’t actually understand where I’m coming from. My being an atheist has nothing to do with a “bad experience”.

        You, like so many christians, try to claim that anyone who doesn’t agree with you isn’t a Christian, to excuse your god and religion. Unfortunately, I am familiar with the bible and know that it supports all sorts of heinous behavior from believers.

        I do spend an inordinate time brushing my bunch. But that does keep me from finding too many little cold wet “surprises” with my feet.


      4. Actually, it’s not about me at all! or anyone agreeing with me. It’s about God and coming to Him and realizing He’s the truth…not me! I could be wrong many times about many things, though I know there is a God who created me and Jesus Christ who saved me. I’m not perfect and in need of salvation just like everyone!

        Oh no about the wet surprises haha! I chuckled a bit with that one. My kitty is generally such a good little sweetheart with very little behaviours, but once in a while ill experience something questionable. One time my sister came to visit, and it was the first time my kitty (Aurora) met her. Well, I was on my bed and I smell something funky. I look directly under my bed to find a steamy pile of poop! Directly under where my head would be. I was like “what is happening” until I realized that she was “marking her territory” to say send a message that I belong to her 😂 because I provide her resources, love and affection, she was worried that my sister would take her from me! She is so friendly and affectionate with everyone, such a sweetheart. ❤ I was "trying" to feel complimented hahahaha


      5. It is about you since you, like all theists, make up your god in your image. You insist that you and you alone have the right version, just like every other theist. You’d not be caught in a church or mosque or temple that you didn’t agree with .
        Yep, always curious to have to feel complimented. One of mine gave me half a mouse on my foot.


      6. I don’t make up God in my image – I read the Bible which is how God reveals Himself to us. His character, His attributes, the state of humanity in their fallen nature, and how to be reconciled to God. I read the Bible and whatever it says about God is what I go with. People are people and are going to interpret things differently – some correctly, some incorrectly. But that doesn’t have anything to do with God and who He is. We’re just people, we are trying to understand like everyone else. And about attending a church or mosque I wouldn’t agree with…again, it’s not about me or my beliefs, it’s about scripture for me and that’s the truth. Any church that blatantly goes against the fundamentals of scripture, I won’t attend but that’s not because they’re going against me, they are going against the Word of God. There’s many times I disagree with another Christian and that’s okay, as long as they aren’t denying the fundamentals of the Christian faith. I’ve been wondering if she’ll ever bring a dead mouse to me! I’m scared of that day, though I would definitely feel touched :’) She sometimes gets into serious hunt mode with a particular toy – she will yowl and bring this toy to my door. I always thank her and pat her for sharing her “spoils” with me, and I even go so far as to pretend to munch on it HAHA! She always watches me with wide-eyed curiosity. I love her :’) animals bring so much joy!


      7. You have no evidence that this god exist nor that it is perfect or does anything at all.

        Every Christian claims to read the bible and get what this god “really” means from that, and unsurprisingly you all come up with different “truths”.

        So, whatever it says about this god you “go with”. This means you are okay with a god that tells slaves to never seek their freedom. Hmmm.

        There is no way for Chrisitans to show if their claims are correct or incorrect. I, as an outsider, can point to the bible where it says that all baptized believers in Christ as personal savior and then judge Christians on that. It becomes a problem since there are evidently no real Christians at all..
        “We’re just people, we are trying to understand like everyone else.” And Christians have murdered each other over this, and plenty of other people too. This god does nothing to clarify.

        “Any church that blatantly goes against the fundamentals of scripture, I won’t attend but that’s not because they’re going against me, they are going against the Word of God.”

        Every church claims that they and only they are going with the fundamentals of scripture. You even cannot agree about what those “fundamentals” are.

        One time we had a bat in the house. Oh the chaos of a “flying mouse: and three cats at that time. I’ve also startled my cats and they’ve left mice go in the house. I didn’t’ see the results. My one cat had a little foam roller that was either prey or what she thought was a kitten. And yes, she was praised for bringing it every time.


      8. My evidence is just looking at creation – like my cat, or a sunset. Why is it you’re able to say that a painter made a painting, but no one made that sunset? How is that logical? I deeply don’t understand, because it’s so apparent to me. Romans 1 says that God is evident throughout all of His creation, and I fully feel this, because I see His hand on all this beauty. How is this not evidence enough for you?

        See, you are focused on people agreeing…I’m not. I used to be, but I realize that the condition of my soul is between me and my Maker. Not me and a church, other christians, or anyone else. I’m not following anybody or any “church”. I have a real personal relationship with God, and He enlightens my heart to scripture because I humbled myself and put my faith in Him. He does this for people honestly seeking Him. “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” Isaiah 55:6. But, being enlightened to understand does *not* mean that I gain all knowledge on every single iota of everything. That’s because I’m still human. There will be one day for that, in eternity, and for now I’m content with just at least having put my faith in Christ, having a real relationship with Him, being forgiven of my sins and saved from hell. I enjoy learning more than this but I don’t base my whole christian walk on knowing or having understanding of every little thing. I think people who claim this, christian or otherwise, are totally full of themselves.

        Wow, I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a bat in the house!! Or what my cat would do. Eeek! I do notice that I have a lot less “bugs” around since she adopted me…something I can definitely appreciate! Cats are so wonderful. I plan to get so many more :’)


      9. Most, if not every, theist makes the same claim “Look at creation, MY god did that.” And you and they have no evidence of this.

        The universe isn’t a painting. We are only barely beginning to understand what it is. Yep, Romans 1 makes the same claim as most if not every religion, as above. The books of the bible are claims, they are not evidence. I could simply say “The Avedas say that Ahura Mazda is evident through out all of his creation, and I fully feel this, because I see his hand in all this beauty. How is this not enough evidence for you?” How would you respond to Zoroastrian me?
        No, I am not focused on people agreeing. I am focused on people who all say they have the objective truth and claim each other are lying. Many Christians claim a “real personal relationship with God” and you all end up with this god telling you vastly different things. You want to claim only you and those who agree with have “honestly” sought this god, just like those theists you disagree with. I sought this god and, nothing.

        You all want to claim that you and only you understand, but when that becomes a problem then you protest ignorance. That is terribly convenient.

        It’s great to have a bunch of kitties. It is expensive. 🙂


      10. I never claimed only I understand. I claimed that God gave me understanding, but because I’m human, I don’t understand everything. And by your own statement, neither do you. “The universe isn’t a painting. We are only barely beginning to understand what it is.” Question: why are you allowed to say you don’t understand, yet your belief is TRUE (and tons of scientists making claims and theory about the origin of the universe disagrees) yet I am not allowed to claim I don’t understand all things, and that doesn’t mean God isn’t true, and because christians disagree, thus God isn’t real? Please explain.

        Lots of kitties expensive but so worth it! 🙂


      11. Every Christian claims some variant of divine understanding and that their way is the only right way. You do believe what you claim your god gave you is correct, right?

        That’s why there are hundreds of sects. The problem is that their various “understandings” contradict each other, and they claim each other are wrong with no evidence at all.

        I am indeed human and don’t understand everything. I don’t claim to. I have evidence for my positions that I take.

        Chrisitans want to essentially have their cake and eat it too. Be able to claim access to “truths” but when things get uncomfortable, they want to avoid the question, and plead ignorance.

        If Christians disagree, and cannot show that any of their claims are true, for thousands of years, then you have a problem: there could be a god but nothing like you claim it is.

        it is not true that “tons of scientists making claims and theory about the origin of the universe” disagree.


  2. I don’t make up God in my image – I read the Bible which is how God reveals Himself to us. His character, His attributes, the state of humanity in their fallen nature, and how to be reconciled to God. I read the Bible and whatever it says about God is what I go with. People are people and are going to interpret things differently – some correctly, some incorrectly. But that doesn’t have anything to do with God and who He is. We’re just people, we are trying to understand like everyone else. And about attending a church or mosque I wouldn’t agree with…again, it’s not about me or my beliefs, it’s about scripture for me and that’s the truth. Any church that blatantly goes against the fundamentals of scripture, I won’t attend but that’s not because they’re going against me, they are going against the Word of God. There’s many times I disagree with another Christian and that’s okay, as long as they aren’t denying the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

    I’ve been wondering if she’ll ever bring a dead mouse to me! I’m scared of that day, though I would definitely feel touched :’) She sometimes gets into serious hunt mode with a particular toy – she will yowl and bring this toy to my door. I always thank her and pat her for sharing her “spoils” with me, and I even go so far as to pretend to munch on it HAHA! She always watches me with wide-eyed curiosity. I love her :’) animals bring so much joy!


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