Why Should We Trust in Jesus?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

There’s only one thing that we as humans can trust in with all of our entire heart. That one thing we can trust in is Jesus Christ! Because He’s perfect in every way and therefore loves us perfectly, we can rest in the fact that because of His perfection and love, He will always act towards us in that love. That means He’ll never hurt us, leave us, lie to us, abuse us, cause us pain. It also means that He will save us when we put our faith in Him, along with protect us, cherish us, and do things according to our very best interest.

The second part of the verse, “lean not on your own understanding”, means that we as humans don’t see all the things that God sees nor do we understand all things. And because God knows all things and sees all things, as well as love us perfectly, we CAN trust Him with everything in us.

It doesn’t mean we understand all things, but we can trust that He does, and that because He’s God, He’s in control of all things. Trust requires faith because it relies on the One that we put our trust in. And when it is God that we put our trust in, we know that we are safe.

This world can be so uncertain and chaotic. But the one thing that will always remain, is God.

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